I first started growing milkweed in 2017. I transplanted them into my garden from plants I would see on my walks, in abandoned fields and parking lots. I have both COMMON MILKWEED and SWAMP MILKWEED. In 2018 I first started seeing Monarch Butterflies in my yard and gardens. That year I collected about 20 eggs and helped to raise the caterpillars into butterflies. In 2019, it was over 100! In 2021, it was only about 30. This year, I’ve only collected about 18 eggs and over half never made it to butterflies. Today, I have over 100 plants growing in my yard. It’s easy. Do it!
Yesterday, the MONARCH BUTTERFLY was put on the “endangered species” list. MILKWEED is the ONLY PLANT that Monarch Butterflies lay their eggs on. MILKWEED is the ONLY PLANT that Monarch Caterpillars eat.
SO, PLANT MILKWEED. STOP using pesticides. PLEASE.
JULY 2022 - Releasing MALE MONARCH BUTTERFLY off my hand, after collecting the egg, raising the caterpillar and watching the BUTTERFLY emerge from its chrysalis.